Innovation in Government
- Tips for Change Agents
How to build support for your big idea.
- Creating an Innovative Organization, by Bob Behn
Ten hints for supporting innovation among front-line workers.
- Notes from a Reflective Practitioner of
Innovation, by Ellen Schall
Real world insights about about creating a climate conducive to innovation.
- The Link Between
Motivation and Innovation
Process improvement can improve more than just your processes if you do it right.
- Leading with Blockbuster Ideas, by Martha Johnson
Excerpt from the book On My Watch by former GSA Administrator Martha Johnson.
- Reframing the Conversation on Management, by William Eaton
Speech about creating a more innovative culture at the State Department.
- Innovation in Government (PDF)
Study by the Partnership for Public Service and IDEO.
- Leading Innovation in Government (PDF)
Study by the Partnership fpr Public Service and the Hay Group.
- Creating a Culture of Innovation (PDF)
Ten lessons from Phoenix, frequently named the Best Run City in America.
Rebels at Work: A Handbook for Leading Change from Within
Rebels at Work is the perfect handbook for change agents in government. The authors focus on helping "good" rebels, i.e. those who take positive, creative approaches to making their organization better and stronger (as opposed to "bad" rebels, who complain and break rules). The book is loaded with great tips to help rebels learn to sell their ideas, understand the perspectives of their bosses and peers, and find allies. Includes a terrifics chapter with tips on how to manage rebels effectively (for the benefit of the organization, of course). If you have a lot of ideas for making your agency better, this book is absolutely indispensable. Read More About the Book... Also check out the authors' excellent Rebels at Work blog.
On My Watch: Leadership, Innovation, & Personal Resilience
Where Good Ideas Come From: The Natural History of Innovation
Steven Johnson provides a fascinating analysis of some of history's more important innovations and the conditions that enabled them to happen. Discusses how ideas build on each other over time, the importance of facilitating the collision of diverse sets of ideas and information, and the kinds of conditions/environments that make such collisions possible. Exceptionally useful model for thinking about how to create an innovative culture.
The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Hailed by some as one of the most influential works in American history, The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin is packed with wisdom from America’s original change agent, social innovator, and self-made man. Written in language that still sounds surprisingly contemporary today, Franklin (1706-1790) outlines key events in his life up until around the time he left his printing business for a life of public service. Includes many useful tips about how to influence others and bring about positive change without appearing to be a self-promoter. Read More....