Leading Change in Government
- Leading in Times of High Stress, by Mike Mears
Tips for frontline managers in government in times of intense change. - Politics vs. Policy: Building partnerships with new appointees, by Ron Sanders and Mike Mears
Sage advice on how to approach the Presidentail Transition in a constructive way(GovExec.com).
- Why Do They Keep Reorganizing? by Mike Mears
Might their be a better way to improve your organization?
- Tips for Change Agents, by Don Jacobson
How to build support for your big idea.
- Time for a Change: How agencies are transforming business practices to meet customer needs
Terrific report by the Partnership for Public Service with cases studies involving customer-focused change initiatives at three Federal agencies.
- The Four Building Blocks of Change, by Tessa Basford and Bill Schaninger
Article from the McKinsey Quarterly about influencing employee mindsets and behaviors as a means to drive change. - The 3 Questions, by William Bridges
Useful tips on helping your team adjust to change. - Slow Ideas, by Atul Gawande
Article from The New Yorker about getting people to adopt new practices.
Building the Bridge as You Walk on It: A Guide for Leading Change
In this superb sequel to Deep Change, Robert Quinn introduces us to the "fundamental state of leadership"--a state of being in which we are other-focused, externally open, internally-directed, and purpose-centered. Quinn contrasts the fundamental state of leadership with the "normal state," in which we are self-focused, internally closed, externally-directed, and comfort-centered. Includes many great stories as well as reflective exercises that can help readers on the path to deep change. Click here to read chapter 1.Read More...
Deep Change: Discovering the Leader Within