How to Motivate Government Employees
Intrinsic Motivation
Purpose | Autonomy | Mastery
"Pride is the fuel of human accomplishment."
-- General Bill Creech
Employees who are passionate about their work tend to be those who feel like they are contributing to a larger purpose, are exceptionally good at their jobs, and have ownership of their work. These factors fuel the "fire in the belly" and give them great pride in their work. This is not something we can do to our employees. We can, however, create a climate that taps into these intrinsic" motivators.
The resources on this page provide an overview of intrinsic motivation. Daniel Pink identifies three intrinsic motivators: Purpose, Automony, and Mastery. Kenneth Thomas has a similar breakdown, calling them Meaningful Work, Choice, and Competence. Dr. Thomas also adds a fourth category: Progress.
For learning resources on each element of intrinsic motivation, please see the following pages:
- Purpose: How to Make Work Meaningful
- Autonomy as a Source of Motivation
- Mastery as a Source of Motivation
- Revive an Old Leadership Practice to Energize Your Team—and Yourself, by Mike Mears
A simple but powerful practice to build trust and foster psychological safety. - Our Role in Fostering Employee Engagement, by Don Jacobson
Tips on how government managers can create a climate that taps into their employees' intrinsic motivators and improve employee engagement. - The Four Intrinsic Rewards that Drive Employee Engagement, by Kenneth W. Thomas
Kennth Thomas provides a summary of the principles in his book Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee Engagement. - What's a
Manager to Do?,
by Jim Trinka
Cites compelling research about the most important things managers can do to engage their teams. - Employee Engagement
Articles on employee engagement from The Gallup Management Journal

Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us
Daniel Pink makes the case that traditional extrinsic rewards (bonuses, awards, etc.) do not generate the kind of motivation that drives great performance. He argues that three key variables--Autonomy, Mastery, and Purpose--are the keys to unleashing an employee's energy. A few of the leadership practices he cites may be impractical in government, but all government managers have the ability to give their direct reports more autonomy, support them as they master their jobs, and instill a sense of greater purpose in their work. A great read. Read More...
Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee Engagement
Kenneth Thomas provides an exceptionally useful framework for understanding the factors that energize employees and prompt them to put more effort and creativity into their work. A must-read for any manager who wishes to increase every employee's level of commitment. Read more...First, Break All the Rules: What the World's Greatest Managers Do Differently
Gallup interviewed over 80,000 managers to find out what differentiates great managers from average ones. The authors distilled this data down and identified 12 key factors that form the foundation of great management strategies. This book provides many actionable ideas, including useful sections on fostering friendships at work the importance of putting people in jobs that match their talents.Read more...
Daniel Pink: The Puzzle of Motivation